Saturday, October 31, 2009

Best Best Best

m in love with dis band!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Merujuk Perkara Di Atas. :)

Saya dengan ini mengumumkan saya telah dan sedang mengamalkan NO POLYSTYRENE POLICY. Sehubungan dengan itu, saya ingin menyarankan agar rakan-rakan semua menyertai saya dalam polisi ini untuk kesejahteraan bersama di masa akan datang. Penggunaan polystyrene mendatangkan impak negatif di dalam kehidupan kita. Antara keburukan/bahaya penggunaan polystyrene yang boleh saya kenal pasti melalui sumber yang boleh dipercayai adalah:

1.Pencemaran Alam ~Discarded polystyrene does not biodegrade and is resistant to photolysis. Since the foamed kinds not only float on water, but also blow in the wind, it is often abundant in the outdoor environment, particularly along shores and waterways. According to the California Coastal Commission, it is now a principal component of marine debris. The plastic may also be harmful to wild animals if it is ingested by them. By Wikipedia
+++Styrene is primarily used in the production of polystyrene plastics and resins. Acute (short-term) exposure to styrene in humans results in mucous membrane and eye irritation, and gastrointestinal effects. Chronic (long-term) exposure to styrene in humans results in effects on the central nervous system (CNS), such as headache, fatigue, weakness, and depression, CNS dysfunction, hearing loss, and peripheral neuropathy. Human studies are inconclusive on the reproductive and developmental effects of styrene; several studies did not report an increase in developmental effects in women who worked in the plastics industry (terdapat sumber menyatakan pendedahan terhadap styrene boleh menyebabkan genetics alteration, mengganggu sistem reproduksi dan memberi kesan kepada kitar haid wanita), while an increased frequency of spontaneous abortions and decreased frequency of births were reported in another study. Several epidemiologic studies suggest there may be an association between styrene exposure and an increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma. However, the evidence is inconclusive due to confounding factors. EPA has not given a formal carcinogen classification to styrene

2. Mengandungi bahan unsur karsinogen yang boleh mendatangkan mudarat kepada kesihatan manusia -WHO

3. Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education (FASE) pula menyatakan bahawa styrene, komponen utama dalam polistiren ini berpotensi untuk bercampur dengan makanan panas yang dimasukkan ke dalam bekas makanan polystyrene

Agensi Perlindungan Alam Sekitar Amerika Syarikat menyenaraikan polistiren sebagai bahan buangan yang ke lima paling bahaya untuk persekitaran serta mengancam sumber semulajadi.

dan banyak lagi.. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai bahaya penggunaan polystyrene sila layari internet dan menggunakan kemudahan yang telah disediakan sperti GOOGLE, YAHOO, dan sebagainya.

Bayangkan apa yang akan berlaku jika penggunaan polystyrene terus berleluasa.. Renung2kan dan bersamalah kita mencuba untuk melindungi bumi kita yang semakin tenat ini.

Antara alternatif yang saya lakukan bagi memenuhi polisi ini adalah;
- memandangkan sya malas untuk membawa bekas tupperware, jadi seeloknya makanlah di cafe/kedai makan. Tak payah nak bungkus2~ Nanti kalau semua orang bungkus pekerja kedai tu xda jerja nak buat.

- Bawa Bekas makanan sendiri *saya malas*

- Beli makanan yang tidak memerlukan bekas pembungkus

- makan siap2 dari rumah, selain menyelamatkan alam sekitar kita juga boleh jimat masa dan juga jimat duit.

Jadi sehubungan dengan itu, marilah kita sama-sama menjayakan kempen ini. Tahniah diucapkan kepada Fakulti Perubatan Veterinar UPM kerana telah mengharamkan penggunaan Polystyrene berkuatkuasa serta merta. Awesome man! Selepas ini, jika diizinkan saya ingin melebarkan kempen ini ke peringkat kolej pulak..



Monday, October 26, 2009

Season 2 Part 1

Phew~ this semester has come to end! another semester ends and another 7 awaiting. Next semester i'll be busy with my VETSport Series, an annual sport day organized by VETERNAK and next year its my turn to be the director *and the whole dvm2 in my ajk's list*. Thanx to VETERNAK coz giving me this chance~ I'll give my very Best *you can count on me :)* Hopefully the seniors especially from year 4 and 5 will participate in this events. Nothing much new about this event except for the name which change from year to year and some new games such dart and chess. *Vet's students r very active u know.. hahahah* and i still working 'something' new specially for this event and m hoping for the positive feedback from the pihak berwajib.

not to forget ~ thanx for those who voted my name for the AGM, and also to the former club committees for choosing me as the vice president of veternak. And also the Zoologico Club for the award - one of d the most active club members. m looking forward for more nice trips and talks next year! Thanks People! And for college, still m doing my editorial job for buletin@17. an issue per month. Nothing much to write my college life coz most of the time m at the faculty. I dun really like the editorial stuff coz m damn lazy to edit others report. Hahaha~ whateva it is, i'll try my very best. So far 2 issues published! and the third issue coming soon.

final exam!!

26.10.2009 - Ruminant Production
29.10.2009 - Non Ruminant Production / Ethology and Animal Welfare
02.11.2009 - Veterinary Genetics
05.11.2009 - Veterinary Physiology II
12.11.2009 - Veterinary Anatomy II

phew2~ Best of Luck Lorz!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


This was a programme organized by Zoologico club for those who interested to learn more on wildlife. The workshop started with simple but informative briefing by Dr Rueben *our wildlife sifu* in Dewan Kuliah Veterinar in our own faculty for about an hour. Afta that, since we have no class in the afternoon, the parcipants from DVM2 went to the Puchong Forest at 2.30pm. The next batch which were from DVM3, departed from the faculty at 6.00pm. Huhu, no one from dvm1 joined us for the wildlife workshop. *They all busy kot*.