Thursday, November 12, 2009

End of Season 2 Part 1

Hooooray!!!! Akhirnya tamatlah semester 3 setelah selesai menjawab last paper hari ni Anat II. Tapi, soalan die wuishh~ macam soalan physiology. Damn.

Q1: a. Describe why is the organization in renal cortex arranged in such a way.

b. A pug, Jacob urinates at unusual place and dribbling. The urine appears red. He does not eat well and depressed.
i. List the problems and causes of problems in Jacob.
ii. Describe the systems involved.
iii. Why is Jacob shows the signs?

Q2. With aid of diagram, Describe what happen if the left laryngeal nerve damage in horse.

Errrkkk.... damn!!!! Not an expected question from anat's paper.. It's ok, it's orite cmon Laura fight2!!!

Another 2 Qs ok la.. boleh di goreng lagi...

Semester nie results sumer ntah pe2 tah. dengan productions paper nyer lagi..

Lagi haru, hari ini ingat nak g tengok 2012 beramai2 sempena meraikan cuti sebelum bermulanya praktikal.. tapi hampeh. Mula2 try book tru phone call, connection error la plak. then try online booking plak.. the tickets r fully booked please proceed to tickets counter. Then dengan semangatny pergila ke Alamanda untuk membeli tickets for 16 peoples. Sampai2 Seats tinggal 2.. ayarkkkk!!!!! Sorry ar dik, dari kul 6pm sampai 1pagi semua tiket dah habis. owh demn!!!!

So apa mahu dibuat sementara menunggu vetcamp??? Nak kemas bilik owh tidak. itu benda terakhir yang akan dibuat dikala hati tgh hemo~ dengan anatomy, dsbnya..


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