Thursday, April 28, 2011
Exam Quotes
Browsing the nets after series of surgery notes and i found this....
NO. 1
The more studying you did for the exam, the less sure you are as to which answer they want.
NO. 2
80% of the final exam will be based on the one or two lecture(s) and the book you didn't read.
-Couldn't agree more...
NO. 3
Every instructor assumes that you have nothing else to do except study for that instructor's course.
- I would say not all of them, most of them are very understanding.. ;) See, how lucky i'm.
NO. 4
If you're given an open book exam, you'll forget your book. And if you're given a take-home exam, you'll forget where you live.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Another Series of Final Exam Syndrome
One nice rainy day in my room, few days before final exam....
Paper-Folding mood, time for ORIGAMI
My fav little elephant, but i think the trunk part is a bit too heavy.. Sorry Jumbo!
End of the day, not all. Few more on the other side of the table...

These horses are a bit weird...

My very own version of Formula 1. Remind me of those all days...

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Study Week...
Frm the very beginning, study week doesn't help much in preparing for final exam. I would prefer if they CUT OFF the study week and arrange the final exam schedule in such a way that student can revise subject by subject just before they sit for the paper. For now, all your papers are packed in two weeks and some of the papers are back-to-back and even some 2papers in a day.. wtf.. Maybe this kind of schedule (Study week + 2weeks finals) is ok for those who take only 5papers/sem. but how about us who taking 6-7papers per sem and that one haven't include all the oral and practical tests. OMfG, I was suprised that we (my class) survived last semester's 4days-back-2-back-killer-papers. I tot that one was the worst, i was WRONG. More to come i guess especially after the 'rearrangement'. Next study week will be during Xmas + New Year week and the final exam will start on 2nd Jan.. Sounds freakin GREAT. Can't Wait... XD.
Their Def: Study week = a week of 7 for study leave, preparation for final exam.
My Def: Study Week = a week of 7 where i discovered most of my WEAKnesses.
eg: i won't study coz i know i *kononnya* still gt a lot of time
watch drama/movies nonstop even tho i know i have lotsa things to revise
on the net all the time...
wake up in the middle of the night, to study?? BIG NO.. hahaha.. to watch football instead. but I do this all the time, not only during study week.
In conclusion, study week = (O.o ) (T.T)
m looking forward for 4months holiday... i need a break!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Titik Permulaan
Cikgu sekolah rendah kate.
belajar la rajin-rajin, nanti besar boleh jadi orang berguna
masa sekolah rendah aku admire sume cikgu2 yang mengajar kat depan kelas tu. Sampai berazam dalam hati, suatu hari nanti ak nak jadi cikgu. Dalam buku rekod pelajar Dari darjah 1-6 senarai cita2 aku adalah:
1. Pendidik
2. Tentera
3. Peguam
Xde mengena langsung dengan ape yang ak buat sekarang dowh....
Cikgu sekolah menengah pulak kate,
Belajar rajin2 sekarang, nanti besar boleh masuk universiti,
masuk sekolah menengah ak mempertimbangkan balik senarai cita2 aku..... mwahahaha.. lepas tengok cikgu2 kat depan kelas tu, ak jadi fobia nak jadi cikgu weyh, dapat pulak student mulut bising macam ak. tu ok lagi mulut je bising dapat student yg xhabis2 nak memperkenakan cikgu dia, naya..... so TUKAR!!!!! xmao jadi cikgu dah. Masuk Form 4, aku suke gile kat subjek chemistry... Suke giler and cikgu die pun best. So tanam cita2 dalam diri yang akan menjadi seorang ENGINEER... CHEMICAL ENGINEER.. mwahahahahha.. blajar bsungguh2... and tak suke langsung BIOLOGY.. and pernah bagitaw kat cikgu bio yang xakan study bio dah after form 5. *hbs tu ape aku buat skang nih???* Pastu Form 6, dapat kelas biology, jadi bersungguhlah naik admin office sebab nak amik kelas chemistry *kan nak jadi chemical engineer*. Dapat la tukar... dapat tukar x sampai sebulan ak kena blah masuk UPM utk course DKHP (menatang ape tu, aku pun xtaw) Kisah selanjutnya dalam uni punye part
Lecturer kat uni pulak kata, ape ntah dorg kate banyak sangat.... xtaw dah mane satu dah..
dulu aku ingat orang yg masuk uni ni cool gile babi, tapi sekarang bile aku dah masuk uni aku rase babi tu lagi cool daripada aku.. sumpah aku xtipu.. x cool langsung ok. Tapi kalau orang tanye aku tgh study ape, bile ak jawab tgh belajar nak jadi doktor haiwan (makcik2 mane taw veterinary weyh..) haa.. yang ni baru cool.. ni lah aku punye "CHEMICAL ENGINEERING"... hampess.. sekarang aku buat VET dowh.. everything is about BIO.. dulu bersungguh xnak study BIO nah sekarang amik kau, xnak sangat kan... begitulah titik permulaan ak sebagai seorg pelajar vet and dalam beberapa bulan lagi aku bakal jadi pelajar tahun 4.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Movies Marathon...
Gt to wake up late in the morning...
Browsing the net without worrying about assignments that due on Monday...
Putting notes aside without any guilty feeling...
Get to bath Onix (bathroom war time)...
Lazying around....
And do my leisure reading...
No need to go anywhere else except for my room...
No more presentation for the coming weeks...
I miss this moment damn much!!!! How I wish every weekend is like this..
But too bad, the other side of me will always fill up my name in the form for any activities organize by student's associations in the faculty (unless the organizer dun want me in, then only i will not write my name ;P). Its all about gaining hands-on experiences and personal interests.
Compensatory mechanism dude!!! hahaha
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