Friday, May 25, 2012


Owls Fun Facts

Did you know that Owls do not have CROP??!!!
Yeap! They do not have CROP like other birds,  their food goes straight to the stomach!

Their diet mainly on small rodents, and occasionally small birds.

Their eyes are fixed to the skull, hence can move up-down or side-side (immovable eyes) to 'compensate' this they possess special neck mechanism - quick turn. Eyes set in front like ours'.

Mate for life and very emotionally attached their partner, how sweet they are.

They fly silently! Beware if you are within their diet range.. You'll never know when they come and grab you.. :)

Not like other raptors, their ears is exceptionally essential to aid in their hunting activity. Where's the 
ears, go figure out yourself... Haha, its located behind the facial disk.

Owls do more than just hoot—they create many 
different vocalizations. They even can 
screeches, whistles, barks and hisses.

Group of owls called Parliament, and their smallies called owlets.

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