OMG!!! When i think about it, until today still i cannot believe this happen to my class. the whole class gt scammed by a-very-convincing-man. Damn.Damn.Damn.Damn. Sounds very interesting rite... Here's the story
The story begins...
a muslim-chinese guy came to our class last monday. 27th September 2010 marked in my journal as the "DVM3-GOT-SCAMMED". OMG, this was embarassing man. Cont the incident.
His name was Dr Jason Lee @ Iskandar Lee a medical Dr from Department of Pathology, University Hospital and volunteering for MERCY MALAYSIA. He claimed that he just came back from GAZA cause he was one of the Dr in the mission when the ship 'Rachel Corrie' *remember the ship gt attacked while carrying humanitarian aid to the Palestinian sometime in June 2010*. Everybody in the class was like WOW! All of us were amazed.
He continued to talk more and more on Palestenian's stuff as his main topic of the day. The whole class keep silent for the moment and lend 101% their ears to that GREAT MAN!
Then, he took a CD of Documentary of Palestinians *according to him*, in the video also taped cases of gang-rape Palestinians. and again u can hear the sounds from the class such as.. "OMG.." "ish ish, jahatnye" and etc...
"101% of the money from these CDs will be given to the Palestinians.. 100%, sorry." And then numbers of my mates lined up at the side of the lab to get the CDs for RM 10/each.. not only the muslim u know, the non also go to the side to buy the CD. Even though, some of them actually dun really interested into the CD but for the sake of helping our human race, these peoples regardless their religions and races went to give out helps *the money*.. and even some of them din take the CD at all, just put the notes into his bag. I, from the side of the lab acted as an observant and i observed the whole scenario without any comment or word spitted out of my mouth *usually m one of the most bising one* and i realized that my classmates are very unite and good in helping others. Nearly half of the class went to the front to buy the CDs. There's the story of first part finishd.
Episode 2:
23:51 27 Sept 2010
a message came into my phone
"Bc kat FB, ak dah post laman web pasal mamat palestin jual CD tadi... sekali penipu la"
i replied *m quite blurrd that time coz i want to go to bed d*
"Sape ko cakap ni? Dr Jason Lee tu ke?"
"Dr Jason Lee td PENIPU. sblm ni tipu kat UKM. ak bc kat halaqah.net, sbb cd tu xda pun scene2 yg die cakap. amik kesempatan atas gaza. ak rase macam nak suntik rabies kat die. geram ak!!!"
"wtf.. serious ke. ok jap g aku g browse kat fb"
.................................................................... so, i swicthed on my lappie and started to googel for Dr Jason Lee's name and nah...
WE GOT SCAMMED!!!!!!!!!!!
But by that time, m not 100% sure about the articles, so i took an alternative to contact MERCY MALAYSIA and asked them regarding this matter. And after that I started to see one by one of my classmates change their shoutout and started to share the same link on their site. For sure, the level of angriness had increased that time but nothing can be done d. SHIT HAPPENS!!! The next morning I received a reply from MERCY MALAYSIA in response to my enquiries earlier. Here is the summary of their reply
“There is no such person on our database and MERCY Malaysia does not have such activities. Please inform your friends of this fraud. Thank you for bringing this matter up”
Nah nothing else I can say d except for, DVM 3 2010/11 got scammed by DR JASON LEE!!!!! WTF~ OMG!!! The whole class got scammed haish…
So, that’s about it and we hope that there will be action taken by the fac as well as the uni’s as we have brought up this issue to the fac admin. We can’t let this kind of people ‘roaming’ around. We did Learn something from this scam and we bought a life-time experience for only RM10 man.. very cheap rite. I believe in karma, and hopefully this guy will get he’s SOON. May God bless him and hopefully he spend the money that he gt form the class wisely. Don’t regret it in the end of the day. DR JASON LEE is a BIG LIAR! Peeps, please do spread the news around regarding this very-convincing-pathologist-dr Jason lee. Actually there were more things happening in between and after that but I think this is more than enough already. Just be careful in the FUTURE, and really, DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!!!!!
There's always gonna be another mountain
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
Keep on moving, keep climbingKeep the faith, babyIt's all about, it's all about the climbKeep the faith, keep your faith
HANDSOME-TIGER is called also a TIGER
THE TIGER TRUE-"I.C"-NAME is Panthera tigris
The SOUND made by the TIGERS is called GROWL *ROARRR*
The ROAR of a TIGER can be heard more than A MILE away!
TIGER'S FAVORITE FOODs are SMALL AND LARGE GAME INCLUDING WILD DEER, CATTLE AND PIGS *so stop taking away their food or otherwise you become their meal*
Every SINGLE TIGER in the WORLD has their OWN distinct pattern of STRIPES *same as our fingerprints la*
TIGERS ARE LONERS(SOLITARY ANIMAL) *so, tiger farming is not a very good idea i guess*
TIGERS are NOT easy to CATCH *see poacher, dunno how much time u spent to catch a tiger, so please STOP! Go and try to catch something easier, mosquito ke?*
TIGERS are great SWIMMERS *Awesome!*
Most TIGERS except WHITE TIGERS, have ROUND, YELLOW eyes. *at least they can see 6X better than HUMAN*
A Tiger can LEAP FORWARD up to 33FEET at a time
TIGERS have a life expectancy about 15 YEARS in the WILD
A TIGER's SALIVA is ANTISEPTIC *comes handy when a tiger cleans it WOUNDS*
SAVING THE TIGER IS A TEST. IF WE PASS, WE GET TO KEEP THE PLANET - conservationist, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas