Sunday, February 28, 2010


At one point you will feel tired of this life, and so am I. I keep on trying to like the stuff that i dislike, keep on pleasing other people which i don't guarantee they will please me back later on, helping people that only will RECOGNIZE you when they need your help *and act like i'm INVISIBLE when they're happy*, keep on asking myself to give my very best in what ever i involve/do which is kind of impossible and keep on feeling sorry so other people, AND cause a lot of trouble to others. I'm seriously need a break for what we call "Muhasabah diri* and i know i can't afford to have that kind of break. I promised myself once, that i MUST become more RIGID, but in the end... i'll always failed by the MR. EMOTION. *"kasihan" "bukan selalu", "takpe la", "alah, biarlah" those are phrases that always used to cover myself* To all the peoples around me, i'm really sorry for all the trouble that i cause. Yeap, i always try to minimize the troubles but it seems out of my control. *m no good at anything i guess*

think carefully from the other aspect, those are the "stuffs" that coloured your life. *xkan la nak happy memanjang jer kan*. Sometimes by learning your "dislike stuffs" will make you matureR than the others, and even make your Life more interesting than anybody else.

AND there is a limit in pleasing other people. Do not cross the limit otherwise u'll suffer.

Troubles, nothing la that one. Everybody makes mistake in their life. Nobody is perfect. The important part is that please please do not repeat the same mistake!!

Most of us, use only about 5% of our brain. Where's the other 95% go, please ask yourself. So its impossible for you to give *kononnya* 100% commitment.. rubbish la all that.. Buat ikut kemampuan!

Nah, this is how complicated the life can be *not that complicated actually*. Actually its nit complicated at all, you yourself that make the life SOO complicated. Live life to the fullest babe. Don't complicate your life, make it as simple as you want it to be. Everything is depends on your action.

Life is beautiful.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Malaysian tiger poachers giggle in glee

Malaysian tiger poachers giggle in glee

M proud to be Malaysian, BUT not proud to have people behave in such way. Behave yourself!! Tiger is our precious treasure that we must keep. Sorry!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Lolz.. teringat zaman budak2 dulu.. tiap petang duduk melangut depan TV tggu siaran kartun DORAEMON. Sanggup tinggalkan dinner semata-mata nak tengok DORAEMON. X sabar nak menunggu apakah gadget seterusnya yang akan keluar dari poket ajaib DORAEMON. Dengan adanya DORAEMON, hidup menjadi begitu mudah dalam sekelip mata. Kalaulah hidup kita semudah itu. Tidak cukup dengan itu, duit poket disimpan demi untuk senaskah komik DORAEMON.. Ang ang ang.... DORAEMON2.. Kuasa si kucing dari masa hadapan.Hidup penuh dengan pengharapan belas kasihan dan bantuan dari org lain. Siapakah yang harus dipersalahkan?? DORAEMON ataupun NOBITA ataupun RAKAN2 NOBITA ataupun FAMILY NOBITA??? Salah siapakah NOBITA terlalu bergantung harap kepada DORAEMON??? Teringat kepada kenyataan lecturer "Don't blame the PRIMATE. It's not their fault" hahaha *iklan sebentar*. Sejauh manakah kehadiran DORAEMON memberi kebaikan kepada kehidupan NOBITA? Bolehkah NOBITA survive tanpa kehadiran DORAEMON???
Hidup ini sangat complicated kan. Significant di sebalik kartun DORAEMON?? Sehingga sekarang saya masih bertanya kepada diri sendiri, apakah mesej tersirat di sebalik tayangan ini. Cuba bayangkan setiap di antara kita yang wujud atas muka bumi ini memiliki "rakan" seumpama DORAEMON. Wow! alangkah indahnya. Kita tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk sebarang kepayahan yang bakal tiba. Hidup itu memang indah.. :) Jangan hidup kita hari ini pun diserikan/dimudahkan dengan kehadiran DORAEMON versi kita. Kita punya handphone, laptop, mesin basuh, internet,vacuum, printer dsebagainya.. Semua kerja menjadi mudah dengan kehadiran gadget2 ini. Sehingga sesetengah kita menjadi alpa dan lalai.

Cuba bayangkan jika semus DORAEMON2 ini sampai ke satu tahap ia tidak berfungsi??? Apkah yang berlaku kepada kita semua. Jaringan Komunikasi terputus serta merta. Pesanan xdapat dihantar, panggilan tidak boleh dbuat, facebook/twitter juga tidak berfungsi. Bantuan diperlukan tapi tidak dapat dsampaikan. Kecelakaan berlaku tetapi kita hanya mampu melihat, padahal sebenarnya kita mampu untuk memberi bantuan tetapi disebabkan kebergantungan kepada DORAEMON, kita kaku dan tidak tahu untuk berbuat apa... Wah, sungguh tragis untuk dbayangkan dan saya pasti semua org berharap agar benda ini takkan berlaku.

Moralnya, jangan terlalu bergantung harap kepada DORAEMON2.. Betul, DORAEMON itu menakjubkan, serba canggih tetapi perlu diingat ada sesetengah perkara yang DORAEMON x mampu untuk lakukan, yang mana hanya kita yang mampu.


Ang Ang Ang....