Huh~ Student's life is damn amazing, FUN, CRAZY and colourful man!
1. Besties
What else you can say if you ot the same course with all your close friends huh.. That what happened to me. Before this m doing my diploma in UPM Bintulu (also in UPM la, just that different cawangan only). Lima Sekawan @ Lanun @ Mafia.. that were several gelaran by different people in UPMKB to this small group of gals in my class which consist of me myself and another 4 gals. And i am the Ketua LANUN... OMG! There's a long2 story behind all these names.. Lol~ And NOW, again all of us are in the same class, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. We studied together, we played together, we walked to the lecture hall together in Bintulu, and graduated together as a diploma holders, and now again we doing the same stuff accept for gradution day which is another 4 years dowh~ One nice day!
2. Classmates
DVM 2013 is a very2 special class with very lucky students who selected through special selection methods (*geneticsss,,haha) and now we present to you the variation of 35th batch of Vet student in Malaysia. The one and only Vet School in Malaysia (not anymore, there is new Vet School in UMK Kelantan).

3. Nice Members of the Faculty
There is only 1 undergraduate programme offered by the faculty so we're the only 1 who conquering the faculty. Not much of competition kan.. huhuhu.. We get to know everyone in the faculty person by person. Lecterurs all are very nice and dedicated and also the staffs were very friendly. really thankful to be part of the faculty. Well, maybe next year vet fac will move to a NEW BIG building next to our 17th college. i repeat MAYBE! hahahaha~ we'll wait and see lor!
4. Activities
Let me go through this very briefly. There 1 Student association Student Association of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (VETERNAK) and a club (ZOOLOGICO) under the faculty.
Activities by VETERNAK: Sport Day, Dinner, Majlis Silaturahim, Orientation, Leadership Camp and etc while ZOOLOGICO: something to do with zoology. I enjoyed the all activities very much.

5. etc etc etc...